landscape design & planning
Residential projects are rewarding and often result in life long friendships. As ideas bounce back and forth between client and designer projects are seldom a linear process however in time the goal of creating a bautiful place is achieved.

With over half the worlds population living in urban places the role of landscape architecture has never been in more demand. Studies relating to urban projects require a framework for reference and a methodical approach to gathering information, thus resulting in the creation of resilient places that encompass cultural, economic and environmental values.

Assessing landscape is a systematic exercise of establishing values for a given area. All places have historical, physical and spiritual context and whether a study is to catalogue information for government policy or to define remedial or mitigation proposals, understanding the meaning of places can be a moving experience.

The rural landscape consists of elements necassary for food production, wildlife habitat, recreation and the general well being of 8.2 billion people on this planet. Unsurpiringly, issues of sustainability come to the fore and usually at scales well beyond urban thinking. In conjunction with landuse studies, rural projects have been fundamental in how we perceive the rural landscape and, values connected with it and complexities associated with land use.