landscape design & planning
Visual Impact Study & Mitigation Proposal:
The use of photographic images form the basis of most landscape studies and are taken in accordance to specific standards. By helping clairfy context, they formed part of the legal presentation for a public hearing on whether a proposed group of buildings would visually detract from the greater landscape deemed to be of cultural significance. The report not only included the visual impact study but also a proposal to mitigate concerns by providing a 10 year staged plan to revegetate the area using ecological principles of plant succession.

Visual Impact Study:
Set within an area identified as having Outstanding Natural Features & Landscape Values this study was part of the permitting process. It addressed what, if any, the visual impact would be from a proposal to increase the overall size of an existing building as well as potential impacts and means of protecting adjacent plant communities.

Visual & Landscape Impact Study:
Plans for an open-cast coal mine on an exposed plateau triggered the legal requirement of an impact study. The shaded area below indicates the proposed area of operations. Despite the existance of an open cast coal mine in an adjacent valley the proposed development would have been considerably more visible and it was also near an area of historic interest.